Back in the saddle…..

Misty Park Run

So, after a tough week for other reasons I have managed to start running 6 miles a day again, double what I was doing last week but I also don’t want to jump into doing too many miles too quickly for fear of injury and illness again. This morning was Exmouth Park Run. It was lovely. There was a sea mist hanging around and so it was very cold and misty at the start. But by the time we got to Holcombe Point the mist had gone and the sun was out. It was stunning. Unfortunately I didn’t stop to take a photo which I regret but it was awesome and encapsulated everything about Park Run. Runners streaming along in both directions, bright sunlight with a bank of mist behind them. Just awesome.

From a running point of view, well I am trying to keep to zone 2 running which in general I am managing to do but as expected it did raise higher than I wanted it to during the Park Run. Now wrist based hr monitors are not very accurate but it did show my hr as a lot higher than I wanted it to be, so give or take inaccuracies it was too high and I should have slowed down a bit, but that is so hard to do when surrounded by other runners all trying their hardest. I also think I stood around talking a bit too much and allowed myself to get a bit cold which doesn’t help.

Plant based eating is going well. I am not even finding it too monotonous based on my lack of culinary skills. I don’t feel too tired or lacking in anything. My back aches a bit but that maybe down to I have got out of the habit of taking ibuprofen every day. Need to clear it up as don’t want any aches and pains when running my ultra’s.

Thanks again for reading and following and will report again soon.
