
So, you would think I would know better. I think I have finally cleared myself out of the after effects of eating xmas and new year food. I try to eat healthy and very rarely eat meat. I like to think I am vegetarian for health reasons rather than moral and so if I am presented with meat I will eat it. Generally eating a bit of meat once in a few months doesn’t do any harm. However over the xmas and new year period I have eaten so many mince pies, biscuits, chocolates and so on I have felt as rough as hell and several times on my runs I have had to make unscheduled stops over hedges or at garden centres. It has also made me put on several pounds in weight which I really feel when I am out running, so basically the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a nightmare. This morning I ran the Exmouth Parkrun in a time of 25.40 which was quicker than I wanted to do but it felt quite easy, including getting into a piss off contest with another runner who kept cutting me up and was wearing headphones to boot which I totally disagree with wearing whilst running. So the old racing Pete came into play and I forced him to run at my pace and trapped him behind other runners etc and then just left him standing and he trailed in at least a couple of minutes after me. I really don’t mind people beating me but I do mind people who have no running etiquette. Anyway point I was going to make is that I felt so much better this morning after a couple of days of eating healthy again plus taking Ibuprofen again twice a day everyday, which I got out of the habit of doing. Hopefully I will feel a bit more comfortable running again which also means longer runs and more mileage.

Also this week I finished reading Don McCullin’s autobiography. I bought it about 30 years ago and read it then and decided to read it again. Those of you who know me that I love photography (I was a photojournalist for a few years) and Don McCullin is one of my heroes. An awesome book and read but I had forgotten just what a tortured man he was/is. Which is hardly surprising after the life he led for 20 odd years on the frontline of wars around the world. I like both his war photographs and his peace photographs. Like me he is self taught and learnt the hard way.

So, that’s me for today, I am now off to make a nice healthy lunch 🙂


62@62 Week 3



Week 3 and feeling really good. 56 miles under my belt this week and no aches and pains. The only thing I am concerned about is my Brooks road shoes. Now I have been wearing Brooks for a few years now and I have never had a problem (ie. blisters etc.). They are really good shoes. However I bought a new pair a couple of months ago and I have already lost one toe nail and probably about to loose another one, big toe this time which is quite annoying. They don’t appear to be ‘relaxing’ after use of a few weeks like previous models I have used. Quite annoying as now starting to do a decent amount of miles per week and really don’t want to have to put up with sore toes. I will have to have a chat with the guys at Run Swindon to see if anybody else is experiencing the same thing.


Nutrition is going really well, although I think my portion size is a little on the large size and so need to cut down on the amount but feeling full of energy. I have not eaten any processed food or meat for quite a while now and am feeling really good and dare I say it full of energy. I had a really good chat with a lovely friend on Sunday and she has given me a lot of good advice on what I should and shouldn’t be eating so should be bouncing with energy and running even more miles a week soon.


The same friend introduced me to The 5 Tibetans and if you don’t know what that is then check it out it is worth it. She like myself didn’t want to spend hours at yoga class and suggested it and so I am going to give it a go. Sort of thing you can do in the house in front of the telly. Unless somebody is going to sponsor me to go to a gym or classes then I would much prefer to spend my time outside, running in the fresh air and not stuck in a gym. Which brings me to my training schedule. As I have said before I am old school and believe I should just be out there knocking out the miles. I am still not sure if this is the right thing to do. Anybody out there have a clue if there is a better way than just running as much and as often as I can (which is 7 days a week)? I really would appreciate any advice.


Well, I am now going off for a run, 8 miles for the first day of week 4, it is lovely and sunny out there but a bit windy.


Have a good week everybody.

